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re: 710 Broadway, Planning Commission Item 9C

June 13, 2021

Re: 710 Broadway, Planning Commission Item 9C

Dear members of the Santa Monica Planning Commission,

We are pleased to see the proposal for 710 Broadway before the Planning Commission and are writing to express our support. This project will provide 280 residential units (including 84 deed-restricted affordable units), commercial space, parking, and other community benefits - and importantly - this project is an example of what happens when we set feasible rules to address our community needs.

As currently outlined, this project demonstrates an implementation of the zoning changes that were so hard fought last year and we are glad to see this in action. We are getting what we want as a community from setting the rules that we need. As cited in the Staff Report:

The City Council’s adoption of Resolution 11284 (CCS) on August 25, 2020, eased entitlement thresholds eliminating the requirement of a Development Agreement in favor of a Development Review Permit for Tier 3 housing in Downtown. This amendment to the Downtown Community Plan was directed by Council in order to encourage housing production in Downtown and to offer greater predictability in the review process.

We hope you will approve the development review permit for 710 Broadway and move this project ahead quickly. The sooner it is approved, the sooner our community can benefit from the impressive list of project features included in the project. Moreover, we hope this Commission will continue to seek and support opportunities to shape our policies and guidelines to more adequately reflect our community values.


Abby Arnold and Carl Hansen

Co-chairs, Santa Monica Forward

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