March 5, 2021
Re: Council Agenda Item 7E - Hero Pay
Dear Mayor Himmelrich, Mayor Pro Tempore McCowan, and members of the Santa Monica City Council:
We are writing in SUPPORT of Item 7E on your March 9 agenda regarding hero pay for those employed in large grocery stores and pharmacies in Santa Monica.
During the pandemic, these brave workers risk their lives every day to make sure we have the food, medications, and essential products we need. The very nature of their jobs means that they risk exposure to COVID throughout their work day, and risk bringing the deadly virus home to their families.
The County of Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles, and other cities throughout the country have adopted ordinances similar to the one you are considering. Santa Monica Forward urges the City Council to adopt this emergency ordinance at its March 9 meeting.
Abby Arnold Carl Hansen
Co-chair, Santa Monica Forward Co-chair, Santa Monica Forward